
Within the Online Transparency project, EC Ma Ndryshe during JuneSeptember launched a research on conservation and restoration works in cultural heritage buildings in Prishtina. After noting numerous problems that are accompanying the works in both Çarshia (Bazaar) Mosque and Jashar Pashas Mosque, the research continues to look at the conservation works of Prishtinas Great Hamam.
Commitment about the restoration of the Great Hamam came in advent of 2006, whereby the CHwB (Cultural Heritage without Borders) and the Municipality of Prishtina signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Part of the agreement was the setting up of a Project Board, composed of the representatives from the Municipality, CHwB, IPCM (Institute for Protection of Monuments of Kosovo) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. This Board was assigned with the task of drafting the restoration program of the Great Hamam. Lexo komunikatën.