The non-governmental organization Emancipimi Civil Ma Ndryshe was established in March 2006 in the culture-rich city of Prizren, Kosovo. EC is engaged in active citizenship to create a living environment by promoting an appropriate organization of the community, democratization of institutions and enrichment of cultural life in the main centers of Kosovo, with a special focus on Prizren and Prishtina. Whereas the work of the organization is led by the following values: impartiality, activism, results-driven and the community as the basis for action. EC Ma Ndryshe is one of the founding organizations that represent Kosovo in the South East European Heritage Network (SEE Heritage Network) of organizations that deal with issues regarding cultural heritage. Furthermore, EC Ma Ndryshe is the founder of the Cultural Heritage Forum of Prizren, the Network of Cultural Organizations (RrOK) of Prizren, and the Network of Independent Cultural Organizations in Kosovos Cultural Forum. Since its establishment, EC Ma Ndryshe has been exercising direct pressure on the local government in Prizren to generate greater access for civil society and its citizens in the decision-making process. In addition to direct participation in the public consultation processes, EC Ma Ndryshe has regularly advocated for adherence to legal requirements for public consultations, wider community involvement, and the inclusion of the communitys needs in public policy documents.
Main projects: Municipal Transparency Reform Index; Regional development through cultural tourism in Prizren; EC for Transparent and Inclusive Cities; Urban Planning and Development; Urbanism Watch Urbanism of Prizrenit under constant watch (2013 2014); Citizen participation through social media in Prizren and Gjilan/Gnjilane (2013 2014); Inclusive city participatory planning for sustainable urban development in Prizren (2013 2015); Cultural heritage, the central pillar for sustainable local and regional development in Prizren (2013 2014); Culture Volunteers (2012 2013); Citizen participation in the design and implementation of cultural policies in Prizren municipality (2012 2013); Online Transparency of Prizren, Mamusha and Prishtina Municipalities (2012 2014); Role of Civil Society in Promotion of Cultural Heritage (regional project) 2011 2013, A Balkan Tale, Ottoman heritage in the Balkans (regional project) (2011 2013), Raising cultural awareness among youth through documentaries (2010), Strengthening citizens action in promoting and protecting cultural heritage (2009), Culture 2013 Platform (2008 2009), Restoration Camps (2007, 2008 & 2009), Open Citizens Forums (2007), European Heritage Days in Kosova (2006, 2007 & 2008), Zambaku i Prizrenit 2006.
Publications: Protection and Promotion of Cultural Heritage (2015); Regional Heritage Plan South 2015-2018; Erasing the Traces Historic Centers in Kosovo (2015); Beautiful and Green - Catalogue of the Region South (2015); Community groups and urban planning in Prizren (2015); Who guards the guardians? Accountability of civil
society in Kosova (2013); Youth and Transparency: Excluded or Ignored?;
Urban Planning for Citizens (2013); Citizen participation in drafting
cultural policies in Prizren (2013); Erroneous An analysis of numerous
and continuous faults in cultural heritage (2013); Five released
analyses of Online Transparency project: 1. A year of transparency for
greater transparency, 2. Natural and Urban Degradation, 3. Adherence to
the law in local governance, 4. Good governance is not just a phrase,
5. Transparency of local governance in Prizren; Silent Balkan, a
documentary within A Balkan Tale project (2012); Cultural life in the
municipality of Prizren (in cooperation with ODA Theatre, 2010 2011);
Prizren through Retro-visor, comparative catalogue of the old and new
photos of Prizren (2009); Volunteerism and Cultural Heritage (2009); Low
cost intervention (2009); Strategic document: Organizing European
Heritage Days in Kosova (2008), Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism
in Prizren(2008), Cultural Spaces in Kosova (in cooperation with ODA
Theatre 2008).