The study on local cultural policies in Prizren released

The conference Local cultural policies in Prizren as part of the Raising civic participation in drafting and implementation of local cultural policies project, was held on 31 May 2013 at Hotel Theranda in Prizren. The panellists of the debate were: Mr. Ruzhdi Rexha, deputy mayor of Prizren Municipality, Mr. Almir Sahiti, director of Culture, Youth and Sports in Prizren Municipality, Mr. Samir Hoxha, director of Tourism and Economic Development in Prizren Municipality, Mr. Aliriza Arënliu, research developer and Mr. Valon Xhabali from NGO EC Ma Ndryshe. In this debate, final products of a year-long project were presented: a short documentary about the lack of local cultural policies in Prizren and the research carried out with the citizens and culture organizations in Prizren. This project was supported by the Swiss Office for Cooperation and Kosovar Civil Society Foundation. You can watch the documentary at