The second module of the School of Planning and Urban Development was conducted

During 23-25 October 2015, the second module of the School of Planning and Urban Development related to the topic "Cultural Heritage and Urban Planning was held in Shkoder." During this module, certain sessions were delivered by Eliza Hoxha, Luan Nushi regarding the inclusion of the Kosovo Cultural Heritage in Spatial Planning, as well as the Enes Toska and Sali Shoshi on Cultural Heritage Plans in Kosovo.
The school participants are the representatives of local and central institutions, professionals from the fields of urbanism and architecture, representatives of NGOs and the media, students alumni from the European School, students of architecture, sociology, etc. The school of Urban Planning and Development will carry on with another module that will be organized during the next month. For more information about the school, you can find here the informative material and the participants list.
The School of Urban Planning and Development is co-organized by Ec Ma Ndryshe and Kosovo Foundation for Open Society