The Municipality of Prizren has not implemented the Auditors recommendation for the building permits

The Municipality of Prizren has failed to establish effective controls and proper monitoring during the treatment of construction cases, and the recommendation given by the Office of the Auditor General(OAG) on this issue is left unaddressed. In the last Auditor Report that was published months before,became known that the recommendation for the building permits presented last year has not been implemented by the Municipality of Prizren.
The auditor last year had recommended that the Mayor should ensure that a sufficient number of staff individuals are employed in the Department of Urbanism and also to handle on time and with competence all applications for building permits. "Controls and monitoring in this process should be strengthened to prevent the unauthorized constructions and over constructions, and if necessary, apply the penalties provided by law," according to the last year report (the link to the report: http://oagrks.or /repository/docs/sq_Raporti_Final_Prizren_327559.pdf). Read press release.