The first module of the School on Planning and Urban Development is conducted

During the days of 25 to 27 September 2015 the first module of the School of Urban Planning and Development was held in Durres. During the first day of the module, there were sessions delivered by Elvida Pallaska, on key principles and contemporary debates on urban management, and Rozafa Basha on new Urbanism and management challenges of Kosovo cities. During the second day of this module Metka Sitar delivered lectures at the University of Maribor, Slovenia, focusing on the EU's criteria for urban management and by presenting Slovenian state practices in this field.
The school participants are the representatives of local and central institutions, professionals from the fields of urbanism and architecture, representatives of NGOs and the media, students and alumni from the European School, students of architecture, sociology, etc. The School of Planning and Urban Development will continue with another module that will be held during the next month.
The School of
Planning and Urban Development is co-organized by Ec Ma Ndryshe and Kosovo
Foundation for Open Society.