Task Force for the Historic Center of Prizren: One year on, no meetings

This week will mark the one year anniversary from the time when the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning reached a decision to establisha Task Force for the Historic Centre of Prizren. The Task force, established on 13 March 2014 is comprised of representatives of MESP, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Municipality of Prizren and Council for Cultural Heritage, and has a goal of implementing the Law on Special Protected Areas and the Law on Historic Centre of Prizren (MESP), press release,http://mmph-rks.org/sq/Lajmet/Edhe-nje-Taske-Force-per-Qendren-Historike-te-Prizrenit-857).
However, during its first year of existence, this Task Force has not convened even once, and thus was unable to reach any decisions or undertake concrete actions in treating cases of damage caused to cultural heritage facilities, illegal constructions and other irregularities. In the meantime, the degradation of the Historic Centre of Prizren continued unhindered by any institutions that are legally obliged to act in such cases. During this time, there were even certain cases recorded where the Municipality of Prizren executed projects where it itself disregarded the procedures foreseen by the provisions of laws on Cultural Heritage and Spatial Planning. Read press release.