The signs placed on "Ura e Naletit" (Nalet Bridge) present an obstacle to the sights of the monuments of the historical center of Prizren

The two signs placed at the corner of "Ura e Naletit" have lost their function for a long time, as a result of the cancellation of their contents. Currently, these two signs only present an obstacle to enjoying the landscape of the Historical Center of Prizren, encroaching from a distance on the sights of some of the monuments of cultural heritage in this protected area.
Taking into account the remarks addressed in the Plan for the Management of the Historic Center of Prizren 2021-2030, where, among other things, it is stated that the signs that are located in this area in some cases represent an obstacle for the view, EC Ma Ndryshe calls on the responsible institutions to take measures to remove these two signs, which have also lost their function.