The series of "Green Talks" debates continues with the Municipality of Suhareka

The series of "Green Talks" debates continued in the Municipality of Suhareka, where, in addition to the municipal authorities, students and teachers from several schools of this municipality also participated. The purpose of this activity is to encourage debate on the environment, creating space for school students to freely express their ideas and suggestions to the representatives of the institutions. During the debate, the institutions informed the attendees about their commitments and plans, with a focus on environmental issues.
Present at the debate were the Mayor of the Municipality Mr. Bali Muharremaj, studens and teachers from "7 Marsi", "Destan Bajraktari" and "Skhëndija" primary and lower secondary schools, who are also representatives of the ecologists' clubs of these schools. The students revealed to the mayor Muharremaj the activities they carry out at the school level, such as: marking environment days, cleaning actions of public spaces, distribution of flyers for the purpose of public awareness, organization of exhibitions for environmental protection and the like.
Further, during the debate, Mayor Muharremaj presented the investments of the Municipality, including interventions in public spaces, the addition of green spaces, interventions related to waste management, as well as other completed projects that are intended for the protection and care of the environment.