Restoration of Xhamia e Çarshisë (Bazaar Mosque) in Prishtina shall not see its completion this year either

Within the Online Transparency project, EC Ma Ndryshe, during June and July, launched a research on conservation and restoration works on cultural heritage monuments in Prishtina. At the outset, the focus of this research is the Çarshi (Bazaar) Mosque.
The project of conservation and restoration of Çarshi (Bazaar) Mosque began in 2011, following the signing of an agreement between the Municipality of Prishtina, as the project sponsor, and the Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments of Kosovo (IPCM), as the carrier of the restoration works. According to this agreement, for the realization of the first phase Prishtina Municipality has granted 80.000 Euros; for realization of the second phase 250.000 Euros; for the third phase, which included completion of the project, it granted 100.000 Euros; whereas on the fourth phase of works, the Municipality provided 132.000 Euros for the entire completion of the project which were not foreseen on the final phase. Accordingly, the total amount allocated by the Municipality so far is 562.000 Euros. Read press release.