RCCH finds excess of building permit, whereas DI says that the case is in process

The Regional Center for Cultural Heritage in Prizren a month ago identified an excess of a building permit for the renovation of a building in "Adem Jashari" Street, respectively "Sheshi i Lidhjes", and informed the Directorate of Inspectorates of Prizren about it, which days ago confirmed the excess of the permit and announced that the case is in process.
According to the RCCH’s letter, the authorities have approved the renovation project in this part of the building with the recommendation that the individual is obliged to make the adaptation of the elements on the façade with the architecture of the existing building and in cooperation with RCCH, while respecting the Conservation and the Development Plan for the Historic Zone of Prizren. But in the letter, it is said that during the inspection of the works on 14 December 2017, "RCCH officials have noticed a mismatch with the building permit, and through a letter have informed the Municipality of Prizren-Directorate of Inspectorates, MCYS-DCH and KIPM". Find press release.