Ramadan Muja, the only fenced off mayor in Kosovo

In April of this year, Transparency Forum has urged the mayor of Prizren, Ramadan Muja, to reopen the meetings with municipal directors for representatives of the media and civil society. The demand for the opening of the executive decision-making was reiterated also in the debate Confront held between Transparency Forum and municipal officials, which has addressed the issue of transparency and accountability.
Despite the effort of the media representatives and civil society in Prizren, Ramadan Muja continues to keep the process of decision-making and management of public money closed. Considering the transparency as a fundamental prerequisite of democratic governance and since we have so far received any response on the matter, we, Transparency Forum members, reiterate our demand for immediate cancellation of the decision on the closure of the meetings of the mayor with heads of departments. For more read press release.