Promotion of Regional Heritage Plan for Region South

Today, the Council of Europe and Heritage and Diversity Program (HDP) held the promotional event of the Regional Development Plan in the premises of Prizren Municipality.
Heritage Plan for Region South came as a product of the regional community initiative of the Local Economic Development component within joint EU/CoE Support to Cultural Diversity Promotion Project in Kosovo. This plan provides a framework for the identification of the most suitable strategies to further the objectives in the context of heritage based sustainable initiative and tourist component developments within a general tourism development strategy for the region.
Representatives of local and central authorities, as well as members of the working groups involved in the Plan drafting had the opportunity to get to know the working methodology and importance of the Regional Heritage Plan.
The launching event was accompanied with speeches by Mrs.Michele Bergdoll from the Council of Europe, Mrs. Drenushë Behluli Mehmeti from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. Mr. Kujtim Gashi, Head of Prizren Municipal Assembly and Mr. Liam Scott, expert and co-author from the Heritage Council of Ireland.