Prizren, a city of human rights

EC has held the closing conference of the project "Reclaiming of the city - The right to the city for the underrepresented community groups in Prizren". During the conference "Prizren, a city of human rights", the objectives and achievements of the project in question were disclosed and the publication of the City Charter "Right on the City of Prizren" was discussed.
The project “Reclaiming the City” is an attempt to support the underrepresented community groups to fully enjoy the right over the city through a variety of community mobilization activities and platforms. With the aim of promoting the democratic reform of urban planning in Prizren through activism, a series of presentations in secondary schools and university have been conducted within the project. Also, ongoing meetings with underrepresented community groups on citizens' initiative for the Charter of City, visionary workshops for the return of public spaces, video races with smart phones for young people, and the Urban Activism School for students were conducted. Find press release.