The Archeological Museum of Prizren can now be explored in 3D virtual reality

The treasure of The Archeological Museum of Prizren, from now on,can be explored by visitors even in a virtual way. EC Ma Ndryshe, in collaboration with professionals in the field, has implemented the concept of a virtual museum for this cultural heritage asset, where artifacts from the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Ancient and Roman Period, Middle Ages and Ottoman Period are exhibited. Even the monument itself presents a special architectural composition, namely the interweaving of the “Hamam” of Shemsedin Ahmet Bey with the “Sahat Kulla”.
After the analysis of examples from different virtual museums around the world the most appropriate model for the Archaeological Museum of Prizren has been determined, thus creating the possibility that the museum will be accessible to the community of People with Disabilities, at least virtually.
EC Ma Ndryshe is continuing the work for the implementation of this practice in other museums of Prizren and other cities in Kosovo.
The concept of a 3D virtual walk in the Archaeological Museum of the Prizren region has been implemented within the “Inclusive Cultural Heritage” project supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.