Let’s Return the Cobblestone!

The initiative "Let's Return the Cobblestone" conceived by participants of the School of Urban Activism within the project "Reclaiming the City" was conducted. During this initiative, symbolically the cobblestone fragments have been placed on the road "Adem Jashari", calling for a public discourse to return the cobblestone to this street.
Prizren, as an urban center for centuries, is distinguished by its architectural features associated with the application of traditional materials. Among them the cobblestone is part of the historical identity of its streets and alleys. As such, the cobblestone has given a character and charm to the squares and the streets of Prizren in the past, and continues to do so to this day in the remaining parts. In the postwar years, in some central streets of Prizren, the cobblestone is removed and replaced with asphalt. In this way, one of the elements of the historic identity of the city is sacrificed for the purpose of facilitating the road traffic of vehicles. Read press release.