The Quiz on Cultural Heritage deepens the knowledge of the students of Prizren

EC Ma Ndryshe has organized the Cultural Heritage Quiz with the students of the lower secondary schools of the city of Prizren. This activity aims to promote the engagement and curiosity of young people about the local and international cultural heritage through the knowledge competition.
In this interactive quiz, ten schools of Prizren participated, in which case dozens of students were involved in the process of recognizing the values of cultural heritage, where after the qualifying stage and the semi-final stage, the students of "Xhevat Berisha" , "Gani Saramati" and "Emin Duraku" schools competed in the final.
The first place went to the students of ShFMU "Emin Duraku", the second place to those of ShMU "Gani Saramati" and the third place to the students of ShFMU "Xhevat Berisha".
Participating students have evaluated this quiz as a useful experience for them. While EC's intention is to organize this competition in a traditional way.
EC Ma Ndryshe, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, is implementing the "Inclusive Cultural Heritage " project, which aims to promote cultural heritage in the schools of Prizren, with a focus on lower secondary education, through the implementation of initiatives and extra-curricular activities, with informative, competitive and practical character, which has the aim of promoting the awareness of new generations on the importance and values of our cultural heritage.