The municipalities should publish the annual reports of the inspection supervisions for the protection of the environment

The law on the inspectorate of the environment, water, nature, spatial planning and construction aims, among other things, the organization and inspection supervision, as well as the coordination of inspection supervision, and other matters of importance in this aspect. However, this coordination is still not at the appropriate level, between the local and central level inspectorates, since the local level does not report to the Ministry's Inspectorate through annual reports on environmental issues, even though such a thing is a legal obligation.

The inspection supervision according to the legislation means the control and supervision for the implementation of the law and other legal acts, as well as the implementation of administrative measures and other measures towards working activities, physical and legal people in order to prevent, reduce and avoid irregularities in the implementation of the law and other  provisions of laws in force.

Based on the Law on the Inspectorate of the Environment, Water, Nature, Spatial Planning and Construction, the organization of the inspectorate at the local level within the municipal directorates is carried out according to the relevant fields: the Municipal Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, and the Municipal Inspectorate of Construction, where the number of inspectors is regulated by the local government body.

"Municipal inspectors keep the evidence of inspection supervisions and are obliged to report to the Inspectorate of the Ministry through annual reports in the relevant fields", is stated in the provisions of this law.

However, according to the statements of the responsible officials of the MMPHI, there are no regular reports from the local level inspectorate, even though they should notify the Ministry's Inspectorate about the work done at the end of the year, in order for this to also serve for coordination. of activities of the same line. According to them, the local level inspectors fulfill their obligations in line with the legislation regarding special cases and according to the request of the Ministry's Inspectorate, in which case they report on the word of the specific request.

It should be reminded that the Municipal Inspectorate of Environmental Protection exercises its duties and responsibilities through inspection control and supervision in the implementation of laws in the field of environment, water and nature protection, and that according to the legislation it must carry out supervision in the implementation of measures and conditions determined by municipal environmental permits, water and nature protection permits, issued by the Municipality.

EC Ma Ndryshe considers that in the absence of sending the annual reports to the MMPHI as well as not publishing them on the website of the Municipality, the public is deprived of the right to be notified and to demand responsibility regarding cases of environmental pollution, environmental damage or degradation of the environment.

For this reason, EC calls on the public authorities to further improve cooperation and coordination between them for the implementation of measures as well as inspection supervision for the purpose of environmental protection, according to the concept of sustainable development, in order to minimize the risk it brings to life and health of people as well as of other creatures, along with ensuring the conservation and protection of natural resources, in parallel with the promotion of public participation in activities for the protection of the environment.
