Intervention in a park in Junik as well

EC Ma Ndryshe, in cooperation with the Municipality of Junik, has carried out the planting of saplings in the "Gëzim Pepshi" Square, in the “Pepsh” neighborhood.
Apart from the EC staff, the Director of Public Services, Mr. Democrat Ganijaj, Director of Urbanization, Cadastre and Environment, Mr. Zenun Shala, as well as Mr. Rrustem Pepshi and Mr. Sali Pepshi representative of the Pepsh district took part in this activity.
This intervention is a request initiated by the residents of the neighborhood together with the Directorate of Public Services of this municipality, and comes as a result of the successful cooperation that EC and this directorate had earlier in the "Bajraktar" Neighborhood Park.
In the following days, artistic intervention will be carried out on the walls around this park, together with the students of the "Kuvendi i Juniku" High School, to transform this space into a more attractive and usable place, where the whole community will have opportunity for socializing and relaxation.
EC Ma Ndryshe calls on all citizens to take care of green spaces, and at the same time asks the responsible institutions to invest as much as possible for their addition and to cooperate with the community for their maintenance.