Intangible Heritage Days Hajde! in Prizren concluded

With yesterdays manifestations that took place in the Shadervan Square of Prizren, a full week of Intangible Heritage Days ended. In the closing ceremony performed the young volunteers of SHKA Agimi and the musicians of Pentagram Quartet, while, the attendees, at the same time, visited the handicrafts mini-fair and savoured the varieties of traditional cuisine of Prizren. The day ended up with the handing over of the certificates to the participants of the five-day filigree workshop, being as the central activity of the Intangible Heritage Days Hajde!
Manifestations for celebration of the intangible (spiritual) heritage were organized in the framework of the Joint Programme EU/CoE Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity in Kosovo, from 23 to 28 September 2014. Cultural Heritage Days Hajde! in Prizren were organized by NGO EC Ma Ndryshe, whereas the purpose of this event was to promote cultural heritage of Prizren region and to encourage an active citizenry for protection of these cultural values. Read press release.