The Romani language is known as the language in official use in this municipality of Prizren

The long-term commitment of the activists of the Roma community, who in this journey have been supported by activists of other communities, has been crowned with the decision of the Prizren Municipality Assembly to recognize the Roma language as a language in official use for this municipality.
The continuity that has lasted centuries for the presence of the Romani language in this city is a value of Prizren, which is now only confirmed by the decision of the municipal bodies for the official use of this language, which should be an additional support for this community to preserve and cultivate its identity and own culture.
EC Ma Ndryshe, as part of the Ad Hoc Coalition of Civil Society Organizations for coordination and cooperation in advocacy and lobbying activities for the advancement of the rights of the Roma community, considers that the decision of the Assembly of the Municipality of Prizren to recognize the Roma language as a language in official use promotes the values of Kosovo society in respect of ethnic and cultural diversity, and now the same must find application in practice.