For inclusive public spaces

Today, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Municipality of Prizren, represented by the Mayor, Mr. Mytaher Haskuka and EC Ma Ndryshe, represented by the Executive Director Mr. Valon Xhabali for the rePUBLIC SPACES project.
The overall objective of this project is to promote safe, inclusive and accessible public spaces in Prizren through policy dialogue, projects designed and demonstrated by the community, aimed at improving the living conditions of residents and disadvantaged communities.
The project will include 5 public spaces in the neighborhoods Bazhdarhane, Dardania, Lakuriq and Ortakoll where EC methodology for participatory urban planning (community drafting) will be applied alongside the internationally known MineCraft / Block for Block methodology. The project will be completed with capital investments in the same areas based on the drafted projects.
This Agreement is part of the project of the Cooperation Agreement between EC Ma Ndryshe and UN-HABITAT as the main financier and the Municipality of Prizren as co-financier.