First newsletter "Open Court"

We are pleased to share with you the first issue of the newsletter "Open Court", a new publication of the Basic Court in Prizren. Bulletin is a new window of the transparency of the Basic Court work in Prizren, which tends to strengthen public confidence in the justice system in general and in particular the work of the Court. This periodical publication will provide information on the work of the court, the handling of raw statistics, activities and projects, citizen access to court and other media involvement in the service of transparency and accountability towards citizens.
Newsletter "Open Court" will be published in the three-month period, while the first issue of this publication (July - September 2014) the Court has developed in cooperation with EC Ma Ndryshe within the project "Linking community to justice providers", which is supported by USAID and supervised by ATRC.
Please find attached the first issue of the newsletter "Open Court".