First cycle of School for European Integration completed

The third module on public participation in spatial planning ended the first cycle of the School on Urban Planning and Development held in Ohrid. School participants were representatives of the local and central institutions, civil society, media, project offices, students and professionals of spatial planning. The school had three modules in total, which conveyed to the participants knowledge and experience in spatial planning in Kosovo, region and the EU.
The first school module was held in Durrës in September 2015. The purpose of this module was treatment of the urbanism trends in the global context in general and in particular the Kosovo context. Lecturers of this module were Elvida Pallaska (Basic Principles and Contemporary Debates on Urban management), Rozafa Basha (The New Urbanism and Management Challenges of the Cities of Kosovo) and Metka Sitar from the University of Maribor, Slovenia, (EU Criteria for Management and Urban Development).
In the following month, in Shkodër, during the dates 23 to 25 October 2015, was held the second module of the School, where were treated topics related to cultural heritage and spatial planning. The purpose of this module was to provide an understanding on the role of cultural heritage for urban and territorial regeneration, including strategic policies dealing with cultural heritage. Lecturers of this module were Luan Nushi from the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (Inclusion of Cultural Heritage in the Spatial Planning of Kosovo), Sali Shoshi and Enes Toska from the Cultural Heritage without Borders (Local Plans of Cultural Heritage in Kosovo) and Eliza Hoxha, architect and member of the Advisory Board EC Ma Ndryshe.
The third and the last module of the first cycle of the School on Urban Planning and Development held in Ohrid during the dates 20 to 23 November 2015. This module focused on public participation and integration of gender perspective in spatial planning. Lecturers this time were: Ardita Byci (Basic Principles of Public Participation in Spatial Planning), Klodeta Krasniqi (UN Habitat Experience on Participatory Spatial Planning in Kosovo), Christine Kohler, architect and planner from the University of Dresden (Legislation and EU Practices on Participatory Spatial Planning) and Rozafa Basha, architect and professional associate of EC Ma Ndryshe.
The school is organized jointly by the NGO EC Ma Ndryshe and the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS). Details on the second cycle of the School shall be made public in January 2016.