EC in cooperation with Activism Roots has realized an awareness activity in the city of Gjakova

In this activity, the performance "THERE SHOULD BE AN ELEVATOR, INSTEAD OF A WRONG RAMP" was performed in the Gjakova Prosecutor's Office building.
The slope intended for the access of PWDs to the Prosecutor's Office building in Gjakova is outside the standards provided by legislation. This slope makes it impossible for PWDs to use a wheelchair. Therefore EC and Activism Roots have addressed the concern regarding the lack of care for inclusiveness as well as the continued existence of physical barriers for PWDs to access public buildings.
At the same time, the proper way of access to this facility was presented according to Administrative Instruction no. 33/2007 on the technical conditions of construction facilities for the access of people with disabilities.
EC is committed to inclusiveness and cooperation with the community in all planning processes so that all citizens have equal access.