Environment Day was marked by EC Ma Ndryshe in the Municipality of Rahovec

In honor of this day, a discussion was organized between the school community and the decision-makers of the municipal government, where the issues related to increasing care for the protection of the environment were addressed.
Participants in this "Green Talk" were the mayor of the Municipality of Rahovec, Mr. Smajl Latifi and the official of the Environmental Protection Sector of this municipality, Mrs. Bjondina Ramaj Fazliu, and on the other side the students and teachers from the primary schools: "Gëzim Hamza", "Isa Boletini", "Sadedin Hajda" and "Hamëz Thaqi".
At the beginning, EC activities for environmental protection with the comprehensive approach were presented. Then the representatives of each school presented their activities, which they develop within the ecological groups.
The discussion was continued by the Mayor of the Municipality, presenting the projects that are being implemented, as well as the plans for the future. These projects include wastewater treatment, with particular emphasis on plant construction, as well as projects aimed at mitigating air pollution, solid waste management and single landfill issues, then reforestation of bare areas, where for this year, the reforestation of an area of 30ha, projects promoting green energy through solar panels and windmills and other projects to create bicycle paths are planned.
During this discussion, the mayor answered the students' questions and offered the cooperation of the municipality for the realization of their ideas.