Debate Women and urban planning in Prizren

EC Ma Ndryshe kicks off with the series of debates Participatory Urban Planning. The purpose of these debates is to present the findings of 28 focus groups with seven community groups of Prizren in order to identify problems and finding solutions in relation to urban planning. The debates will be fashioned as public advocacy forums towards local government, wherein the participants will be representatives of the respective group of community, municipality, civil society, media, central government and urban planning experts. This cycle of seven debates is realized within the Inclusive City project, supported by the OlofPalme International Center through the Swedish Government.
The first debate of this cycle Women and Urban Planning in Prizren was held on 20 September 2013 on Restaurant Marashiin Prizren. The panellists in this debate were Mr. Sadik Paqarizi, director of DUSP and Mrs. Merita Halitaj from One To OneKosova. Besides the presentation of the analysis Urban Planning for Citizens, many worries and concerns of womens community were discussed by many panellists and contributors. Debates of this kind contribute in capturing the needs of citizens and addressing those to DUSP but also in coordinating and advocating for both citizens and the municipality.