Debate Residents of Arbana neighbourhood and Urban Planning in Prizren

The fifth in the cycle of debates within the project INCLUSIVE CITY Participatory Planning for Sustainable Urban Development in Prizren was a debate Residents of Arbana neighbourhood and urban planning in Prizren. The panellists in this debate were: Mr. Ekrem Kryeziu worker at FMC-Arbana, and Ms. Shpresa Osmanollaj from DUSP. As of participants, besides the residents of Arbana neighbourhood, in this debate were also Mr. Besim Baraliu, director of Hidroregjioni Jugor (Prizren-based public water supply company) and Mr. Arjanit Ukimeri from this company, representatives of DUSP and DPS, representatives of different NGOs, Kosovo Police, SH. H. Pashtriku, B&S Europe, OSCE, etc. Discussions, requests, concerns and needswere of a wide range and very essential for Arbana neighbourhood. Requests were explicit by their part and there presentatives from DUSP expressed their willingness to receiving and considering them.