Debate Culture and Urban Planning in Prizren

The sixth in the cycle of debates within the INCLUSIVE CITY Participatory Planning for Sustainable Urban Development in Prizren project was a debate Culture and Urban Planning in Prizren The panelists in this debate were: Mr. Veton Nurkollari (Artistic Director of DokuFest) and Leutrim Fishekqiu (Executive Director of Sculp Fest). Present were also representatives from the DUSP and DPS, DokuFest, Sculp Fest, KDI, UN Habitat, SH.Z.A.P., Cultural Complex Europa, Sh.B. Sharri, NGO Finch, NGO FFAK, OSCE Prizren, AKEA, etc. The debate focused on many cultural issues which directly or indirectly relate to urban planning and, at the same time, were also suggested solutions to problems identified by the participants.