Debate Consumption and cultural offer in Prizren

Debate Consumption and cultural offer in Prizren within the project Raising civic participation in drafting and implementation of cultural policies at local level, was held on March 4, 2013 in Marashi Restaurant (Marash neighbourhood) in Prizren. The panelists of the debate were: Mr. Zekë Çeku, tourism expert, Mr. Urim Ukimeri, coordinator of culture in Prizren Municipality, Mr. Veton Nurkollari from Dokufest and Besar Haxhibeqiri, coordinator of the Network of Cultural Organizations in Prizren RrOK. This debate was focused on tourism and cultural potential Prizren municipality is bestowed with and also on the negligence shown by local institutions to promote this potential. Conclusion emerged from this debate was that there is no more time to waste for considering and treating cultural tourism potentials of Prizren as the main pillars of city development.