Clogged sidewalks, the greatest concern of Prizren citizens

Today EC Ma Ndryshe presented the results of the latest research on the perceptions of citizens on issues of urbanism in the city of Prizren. This is the third survey with wider sampling pattern in Prizren within two years, which aims to ascertain the key concerns and to measure approval of Prizren citizens about urbanism. The research is part of the methodology of “Inclusive City...” project, which from January 2013 renders the needs of Prizren citizens into the viable urban plans of the municipality. The survey was divided into two sections. The first section included the general population in which have participated 300 respondents (55% of female and 45% of the male gender); while the second section included organizations and community groups whereas 100 interviews were conducted.

Research results show that nearly half of the citizens of Prizren have no understanding whether the municipality possesses urban plans. Disturbing is another finding that about 60% of citizens are not informed of their right to participate in the drafting of urban plans and municipal regulations. A finding that is confirmed for the third consecutive time since last year is the extremely low percentage of citizens who have participated in public hearings organized by the municipality. Only 11% of citizens stated they were invited by the municipality in public hearings, while nearly 20% of them say to have been invited by civil society (NGOs). Read press release.
