Citizens of “Beteja e Pashtrikut” demand that the Municipality and Water Supply Company solve the problem of water supply

Residents of the street “Beteja e Pashtrikut in the neighborhood of Transit in Prizren, who for years have been facing a shortage of drinking water in their households, have asked the senior officials of the Municipality of Prizren and the Regional Water Company “Southern Hydro- region” to find a solution for the extension of water supply network.  At a meeting held on Friday facilitated by NGO EC Ma Ndryshe residents have expressed views on the need for increasing of the water network in the shortest period of time in this locality as well as expressed other concerns faced in everyday life. They have insisted that the relevant institutions to find a solution, in order to enjoy the right to have access to potable drinking water supply.

On the other hand, the director of Public Services in Prizren, Hasan Hasani admitted that this issue requires a solution, and suggested that officials “Southern Hydro- region”  to lead the initiative that would lead to fundraising for the implementation of project of the water supply network. According to him, the municipality of Prizren is open to listen to the concerns of citizens and to solve them, and therefore has invited the community of this street that on 28 August 2015 to participate in public debate on drafting the 2016-2018 municipal budget and to present a concrete proposal for the draft budget.

Project manager in  “Southern Hydro- region”  Zenel Zenelaj has announced that this company provides only services and is not in positions to make capital investments to expand network in this street, and that in this regard company entirely depends from Prizren municipality . According to him, the company has drafted a project to expand the water supply in this neighborhood whose estimated bill amounts to over € 240 000.

Residents have emphasized that institutions should coordinate their actions in order to achieve water supply project and expressed their willingness and readiness to present their request also in a public discussion on drafting the 2016-2018 municipal budget.

"Inclusive City ..." is a three-year project of EC Ma Ndryshe, (funded by the Olof Palme International Center (OPIC), with support from the Sweden Government), which aims to articulate the needs of community groups and to translate them into viable urban plans of the municipality of Prizren. The community groups which are engaged on this project are distributed in different neighborhoods of the city and parallel are developed also advocacy and cooperation process with the municipality of Prizren to ensure the incorporation of citizens in urban planning of the city.
