Candidates for the Mayor of Prizren head to head with the youth

EC Ma Ndryshe, within the project of raising youth participation in the decision-making through social media, has organized the first informal meeting with Prizren mayoral runners in local elections on 3 November 2013. Aiming at informing the youth of Prizren before hand with the ideas and the plans of each candidate, the gathering took place in an informal ambience where discussions were candidand straight forward. Presentations of programs for the youth in this debate were made by the following candidates: Mr. Arbër Rexhaj Vetëvendosje! Movement (VV), Mr. Fadil Softa Democratic Alternative of Kosova (ADK), Mr. LulzimKabashi - Alliancefor the Future of Kosova/Democratic League of Dardania (AAK/LDD), Mr. Naser BresaAlliance New Kosova (AKR) and Mr.Zafir Berisha Democratic Union (BD).