Gender equality also in naming streets and public squares

EC Ma Ndryshe today organized the public performance "Gender equality even in the naming of streets and public squares". Through this activity, EC has addressed the problem of not including women in naming streets, alleys and public squares in Kosovo. This is because we are dealing with another indicator of gender discrimination that reigns in the public sphere of our country.

The performance was realized with the symbolic placement of some street signs with women's names in Prishtina, Prizren and Graçanica, where EC collaborated with the local NGO CSD - Communication for Social Development.

The names of the streets used in this performance serve only for the purpose of reaction and the promotion of public debate on the subject of gender equality in our country. The new names used in this performance are not intended to criticize the male personalities in the street names above.

The public performance was preceded by a research, which EC Ma Ndryshe has done on the issue in question. Based on the list provided by the Kosovo Cadastral Agency, it appears that in 32 municipalities of Kosovo, out of 21,508 streets, 13,840 have men's names or 57.3%, and only 707 or 3.6% have women's names, while 6,961 or 39.1% have other names. (street names that do not have individual gender designation, such as "Demokracia", "Gjeravica", "8 marsi", "Mirusha", "Tirana", etc.).

See the infographic tab

Therefore, the recommendation for authorities and municipal bodies is to always take the aspect of gender equality into account, in every decision-making, so as to avoid any kind of discrimination. All relevant municipal commissions are also recommended to respect the provisions of the Law on Gender Equality, so that gender equality is taken into account not only in the case of streets, alleys and squares but also in the case of naming institutions, schools and streets .

This performance was realized within the activities of the project "Active citizenship and responsible municipalities in Kosovo" supported by the Olof Palme International Center (OPIC) funded by the Government of Sweden.
