Artistic defiance in public space

A debate about the public art and the artists path as a cultural activist was held the evening of 25 July 2014 (Friday) in Prizren. At this talk, revolving on the topic Artists as cultural activists and organized by EC Ma Ndryshe, the leading articulator was the prominent Kosovan artist, Sislej Xhafa, who uttered his experience on artistic interventions in public spaces. Other panel contributors were the two winners of the latest EC Ma Ndryshes call for artistic interventions in Prizren, Senat Haliti and Nora Temaj, challenging their views for interventions with other forum participants.
The debate focused on the potential of cultural and urban activism in Prizren. The views were battled particularly on the potential of artists in Prizren for acting as cultural activists at a time when urban fabric and collective memory of the city are being distorted as a result of uncontrolled interventions. As a response, Sislej Xhafa suggested the artistic rebellion by which an artist must present his or her creative intervention in public space. Nora Temaj and Senat Haliti, on the other side, gave their take on how their artistic interventions would dissent the degradation of the city. Another highly addressed aspect in the discussion was the inclusion of the public in public art and the relationship between the artist, the municipality and the audience. Read press release.