Announcement of winners for best stories in Istog

In Istog / Istok municipality EC Ma Ndryshe has organized an activity where students were presented with the best stories about Istog / Istok Municipality. This activity was implemented in the framework of the project "Young Heritage Indicators of Istog" which aims to contribute to the improvement of young people's knowledge and their participation in the protection and promotion of the culture and heritage of this municipality. Participants in this event were the winning pupils of the competition, school management and representatives of Istog municipality.
177 students from 13 schools in the municipality of Istog participated in this competition. Out of 177 students, 29 students were selected with the best stories of the municipality's cultural, natural, religious and spiritual heritage. Students selected during this year will participate in trainings, visits, booklet development etc.
This event was made possible by the Regional Program on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans - ReLOaD is funded by the European Union, co-financed by the Municipality of Istog, and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).