Human activities, a serious threat to the loss of biodiversity in Kosovo

Even though Kosovo is a country with rich biodiversity, it still faces challenges that threaten its preservation. The human factor has the main influence in this direction, therefore the mobilization of society is needed to protect the values of the ecosystem and biodiversity, in accordance with the 2030 Agenda, respectively the objectives of Sustainable Development.
All living things have their own special role in the life chain of planet Earth. Humans over the years have caused an imbalance in nature that is leading the Earth to a high rate of extinction of various species. Since 1970, the Earth has experienced an average decline of 68% in the populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. The greatest losses are caused by the destruction of habitats affected by agriculture and unsustainable deforestation. While climate change has so far not been the biggest driver of biodiversity loss, it is expected to take on this role in the coming decades. (
In the 15th objective of the 2030 Agenda, the undertaking of urgent and significant actions to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, to stop the loss of biodiversity, protecting and preventing the extinction of threatened species is also included as a sub-objective.
Even though Kosovo is a country with a rich biodiversity, it is not excluded from this risk. So, problems such as exploitation of natural resources, deforestation, trafficking and illegal hunting, unsustainable agriculture, pollution of vital resources, use of pesticides, are some of the problems that are threatening the biodiversity of our country.
The richest areas with flora and fauna in the country are "Malet e Sharri" and "Bjeshket e Nemuna"
Based on the AMMK report ( from the research so far in Kosovo, about 1800 species of vascular flora have been inventoried, but it is assumed that this number is greater and reaches up to about 2500 species. According to the Red List of Vascular Flora of the Republic of Kosovo, out of 254 species listed so far in our country, only 2 plant species are extinct, we have 72 critically endangered species, 91 are only endangered, while the rest of the plants are considered less endangered.
As representatives of this list, we can mention the following species: Sharr's Viola, Kosovar Tulip, Sharr's Tulip, Lily, European Axis, Balkan Dioscorea, etc. The last two types are grown in the Municipality of Klina, which last month gave the green light for the start of the construction of the cement factory, even though the residents have opposed its construction for years. The area where the factory will be built includes the villages: Gremnik, Dollc and Dresnik. According to Mr. Faton Berisha, as an expert in ecology and the environment and the reactions of citizens, the construction of this factory will bring a negative impact, causing health and environmental problems, since these areas are very rich in water sources that can be contaminated, endangering so directly the flora and fauna. ( ,
In the Constitution of Kosovo ( it is emphasized that the plant and animal world must have special legal protection, which is regulated by Law No. 03/L-233 for the Protection of Nature, this basic law that defines the frameworks for the protection of animals and plants in Kosovo and does not allow the extinction of endemic wild species. (
The protection of endangered species is regulated on a legal basis, but mechanisms that control the current situation are still missing, knowing that Kosovo still does not have a complete inventory of biodiversity. Although there is a "Red List of Vascular Flora", as well as a "Red Book of Fauna", which was published in 2020, there is still no accurate data on the number of animal and plant species in Kosovo. This is due to the lack of projects and researches that enable the creation of an accurate base in the number of types of endangered species and the completion of the process for the inventory of biodiversity in Kosovo.
Also according to the AMMK report ( ), it is said that over 250 wild species of vertebrates live in Kosovo, as well as a large number of invertebrates (where 200 species of butterflies, over 500 taxa of water macrozoobenthos are known so far).
Some of the animal species that are considered endangered in the Red Book of Fauna in Kosovo are: Balkan lynx, roe deer, wild goat, wild boar, bear, field swallow, mountain eagle, etc. These species are endangered every day by actions such as: soil, water and air pollution, deforestation, agriculture, illegal hunting, etc.
The mountainous areas where illegal hunting has been encountered over the years are: Shutmani, Oshlaku, Koxha Balkani, Lake Jazhinca, Bistra and Koritinku. Cases of killing animals have been quite widespread in these areas during 2020, which have been reported on social networks through photographs. ( )
Such cases have been repeated over the years, where it is worth mentioning the cases since the killing of the Balkan lynx with a shotgun in 2019 in the Municipality of Ferizaj and the posting of this act on social networks by the author himself (, until the last case of killing the deer, in January of this year.
From the numerous cases, it can be seen that one of the indicators with the greatest impact that is endangering the fauna is illegal hunting. In the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo, the mistreatment and killing of animals protected by law is a punishable offense and is considered a criminal offense, but again these offenses are often not taken into account by the institutions even though they are being reported.
Informing citizens remains one of the main factors for a start to improve the situation, strategies must be drawn up on informing citizens about the preservation and importance of the plant and animal world. Also, trainings with hunters should be organized more often, in order to inform as much as possible about endangered species.
In addition to the lack of mechanisms for measuring the current state of the number and accurate data on endangered species in Kosovo, it is worth noting that the Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity (2011-2020) has expired and that during the compilation of the new strategy it is important to address this issue as well.
At the same time, it is very important that the institutions implement under objective 15.9 (Agenda 2030), which states that the values of the ecosystem and biodiversity must be integrated in the central and local planning of the country, and this can be achieved with inter-institutional cooperation and with application of the legal basis. The high rate for endangerment of endangered animals can be slowed down if competent government bodies work closely with citizens, the private sector and civil society.