The Archeological Museum of Prizren can now be explored in 3D virtual reality

The treasure of The Archeological Museum of Prizren, from now on,can be explored by visitors even in a virtual way. EC Ma Ndryshe, in collaboration with professionals in the field, has implemented the concept of a virtual museum for this cultural heritage asset, where artifacts from the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Ancient and Roman Period, Middle Ages and Ottoman Period are...
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Students of the Municipality of Prizren are introduced to old crafts and archaeological heritage

Hundreds of students from the schools of the Municipality of Prizren have participated in the visits to the old active crafts as well as to the Archaeological Museum of the Prizren region organized by EC Ma Ndryshe. The group visits of the students have served to raise awareness and educate the younger generations about the crafts inherited from generation to generation, as well as to get to know...
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The Eco Club "Remzi Ademaj" realizes the environmental project

EC Ma Ndryshe has set in motion the next environmental project at the "Remzi Ademaj" high school in Prizren. Through this project, the Eco Club has increased the green space in the school's courtyard and interior spaces, thus transforming it into a recreational environment that will be used by all students.
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The works on "Berati" street ignore the consent issued by QRTK-Prizren

The last works on "Berati" street in the Historical Center of Prizren within the project implemented by the Directorate for Public Services of the Municipality of Prizren were carried out without respecting the recommendations of the conditions described in the consent issued by the Regional Center for Cultural Heritage in Prizren .
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EC continues green interventions in school environments

EC Ma Ndryshe has continued the interventions with the planting of fruit and decorative trees in the spaces of two lower secondary schools in Prizren, in the "Gani Saramati" school and in the "Fatmir Berisha" school. These interventions have also resulted as requests from the meetings that the EC has held with the school community in the institutions in question.
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Another environmental project is inauguratedset

EC Ma Ndryshe has begun the next environmental project at the high school "Ukshin Hoti" in Krushë te Madhe, Rahovec. Through this project, the Eco Club has increased the green space in the school yard, thus transforming it into a recreational area that will be used by all students.
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The cultural heritage bodies contest the permission of the Municipality of Prizren

The authorities responsible for cultural heritage in the summer of this year have documented a case of unauthorized works in the protection zone of the Historical Center of Prizren. This case has been further addressed to the competent bodies, and based on the answers received by EC Ma Ndryshe from various institutions, the matter in question has not yet received an epilogue, while the...
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Schools, as well as other institutions, together with households, contribute to environmental pollution through energy consumption, especially during the winter season. Therefore, good practices for energy efficiency can influence schools to reduce their carbon footprint and curb negative effects on the environment, but also inspire students for eco-activism.
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