Linking communities to justice providers

The project is looking at ways of linking citizens to justice providers through different awareness rising and outreach activities to better address the rule of law issues. Our approach emphasizes the critical role that transparency, stakeholder participation, and effective outreach will play in achieving the Project expected results.The overall goal of this project is to design tools and services that would contribute  to creating a space which will link citizens tojustice providers, resulting in improved citizens’ participation injustice sector and increased trust in justice system.

Project relies on three main objectives:

  • Outreach Campaign for the Basic Court developed and used
  • Access to information for Prizren citizens improved
  • Citizen’s participation in justice sector increased


Main activities:

  • Develop a fully-fledged three year outreach strategy for the Basic Court in Prizren
  • Develop samples for communication tools for Court use
  • Media campaign to inform citizens about the project
  • Develop a facebook page and twitter account for the Project
  • Educational Tours in the Court
  • Public meetings with justice providers and citizens organized


An official account of the project named "Gjykatë e hapur" (Open Court) is opened on facebook and twitter, where all information about the project activities and the court's operation will be daily posted. Fully fledged three year outreach and education strategy is being prepared for the Basic Court in Prizren and soon will start with other activities. The strategy will be developed in close cooperation with Basic Court Staff and will  help in designing the best tools to increase citizen’s engagement injustice sector. The project will work closely with the Court in Prizren,schools, the media, various community groups and other interested parties.

