Youth learns about activism within the community

EC Ma Ndryshe launched the first cycle of youth training for community activism within the 'AktRural' project. The school has three modules and is designed in such a way as to provide participants with a unique several-month experience of applying the acquired knowledge in practice under the supervision and assistance of mentors with experience in community activism and mobilization.
In the first module of this cycle, which is taking place this weekend, 30 young people from Prizren, Dragash, Therandë (Suharekë), Mamushë, Gjakovë, Malishevë and Rahovec are being informed about activism techniques and mobilization methods. The topic of "Research Methods, Legal Acts and Relations with the Public and Media" was addressed to these young people by Fisnik Minci, while the other topic elaborated by Ardita Byci was "The role of youth in participation and decision-making in drafting and planning projects". On the second day was presented the topic "Techniques of Activism and Community Mobility and Civil Society Development" by Ajete Kërqeli. In this school, participants will be assisted by mentors in the elaboration of initial ideas for community activism. In the next module, selected activism ideas will be put into practice while the third and final module will work on their sustainability.
The organization of this school is funded by the project "Luxembourg Support for Civil Society in Kosovo", funded by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and managed by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF). The content and recommendations presented do not represent the official position of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).