Transport and its impact on the environment

Humans need to move and their expansion around the world has influenced the development of transport and its modernization over the years. Economic development and higher levels of income have made transport a powerful sector, and with its strengthening, the impact on the environment has also increased.
Most of the environmental pollution is caused by road transport. The atmosphere is threatened by the burning of fuel by road vehicles, thus contributing to global warming of the Earth. In addition to others, road transport also brings external effects such as noise pollution, vibrations, congestion and traffic accidents.
In some countries – often wealthier countries with populations that travel frequently – transport can be one of the biggest indicators of an individual's carbon footprint. In general, the most efficient ways to travel are walking, cycling, buses (urban and interurban) and trains.
Gas emissions from transport can be significantly reduced if citizens decide to choose more efficient forms of transport. So small changes in citizens' transport habits can significantly reduce their carbon footprint.
Even in Kosovo, the growth of the population and the increase in the need for movement and means of movement is considered as the main driving force for the development of the transport sector and the increase of its impact on the environment. While the increase in the number of cars, the poor quality of derivatives are evaluated as driving forces that have had a direct impact on air pollution and the environment in general.
In the research carried out by EC Ma Ndryshe with the citizens of Prizren, it is said that 56% of citizens see traffic pollution as the main source of air pollution in their city. ( Citizens are aware of the pollution caused by transport, but it is necessary that they be offered opportunities to use forms that are more friendly to nature. For years, citizens and other community groups in Prizren have been asking for a special space for their movement with bicycles on the streets of the city, a request that is being fulfilled this year.
Representatives of the group "Marakli t biciklave" in an interview show that the number of citizens who use bicycles has increased significantly during the pandemic. This situation has affected people all over the world, as a result people started walking or cycling to maintain social distance and reduce air pollution. (
According to the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), many cities invested €1 billion in 2020 to build at least 1,000 km of bike lanes as traffic calming measures and to prevent air pollution from cars.
Even in Tirana, during 2020, the map of lanes dedicated to bicycle users has been expanded, not only to enable them to move freely on the road, but also to provide their safety. After these investments, the demand to buy bicycles from the citizens of Tirana has significantly increased (
Such investments in the country are very important and should be prioritized as in this way many citizens would be motivated to use their bicycles on a daily basis. Walking and cycling are fun activities, they improve our physical and mental well-being, are convenient for movement and are environmentally friendly.
It is also necessary to work towards the improvement of urban traffic through a general plan accompanied by modern intersections, rehabilitation of secondary roads, cleaning the city from dust, creating spaces for parking, adding green spaces, promoting public transport and more ecological forms of movement such as bicycles and walking.
Therefore, strategies, action plans and legislation in this sector should be more consistent with each other and with the principles and objectives of the Green Agenda.
Promotion and investment in green transport will motivate and offer the opportunity to citizens to make environmental protection a daily habit.