The rebuilding of the tekke not complying with the planning permission

The process of rebuilding the tekke, which is taking place within the protected Complex of Marash, is not complying with the conditions set by the institutions responsible for cultural heritage and at the same time these works are violating the Law on the Historic Center of Prizren.
Based on the project provided by the Regional Center for Cultural Heritage (RCCH) Prizren, EC notes that the roof has exceeded the project submitted to the MCYS Commission by which the permission for rebuilding the tekke was provided.
EC Ma Ndryshe, in November last year based also on the findings of RCCH Prizren reacted to the non-notification of the investor to RCCH for the beginning of the constructions and the overcoming changes in the terrain morphology.
EC considers that the central institutions responsible for cultural heritage jointly with the Municipality of Prizren should monitor the construction activities within the Historic Center of Prizren. Furthermore, EC calls on the Inspectorate of MCYS and Municipality of Prizren to record overruns in the approved projects and to take measures according to the respective legal provisions.