Sidewalks have to be in service for all categories of society

EC Ma Ndryshe in association with OPDMK on Thursday conducted the public performance "We want sidewalks for all", through which activity they have reacted to the passivity of the current municipal authorities to take adequate measures to ensure the Persons with Disabilities an equal access on the sidewalks of the main roads of Prizren.                                                                                       
Through this activity, symbolically by placing some wheelchairs on "Remzi Ademaj" it was stated the right of PwD for an equal, safer access and mobility within the urban area.
The public performance "We want sidewalks for all" is realized within the project "Prizren, a city without barriers". The overall goal of this project is to increase the participation of persons with disabilities and that of the youth in designing the project "Prizren without barriers."
The project is financially supported by USAID program E4E, supervised by ATRC, and implemented by EC Ma Ndryshe and OPDMK.
