Regional development through cultural tourism in Prizren

EC Ma Ndryshe today held a promotional conference of the project "Regional development through cultural tourism in Prizren" financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland in the framework of the project "Support to Trade" program implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Prishtina. In the first part of promotional conference was presented the project "Regional development through cultural tourism in Prizren" from representatives of UNDP and EC Ma Ndryshe.
The second part of the conference was focused on cooperation among all municipalities in the region of Prizren, tour operators, civil society organizations and other stakeholders to structure and enrich the tourist offer of the South Region.
In discussion it was concluded that the promotion of tourist offer of the region can be achieved through joint action of all, including the exchange of experiences and materials produced for this purpose, the municipalities of the region, tourism operators and civil society organizations.
In discussion it was concluded that the promotion of tourist offer of the region can be achieved through joint action of all, including the exchange of experiences and materials produced for this purpose, the municipalities of the region, tourism operators and civil society organizations.
In discussion it was concluded that the promotion of tourist offer of the region can be achieved through joint action of all, including the exchange of experiences and materials produced for this purpose, the municipalities of the region, tourism operators and civil society organizations.
The project "Regional development through cultural tourism in Prizren" will be implemented in the municipality of Prizren, with a selected stretch in other municipalities of the region (Dragash, Rahovec, Mamusha, Malisheva and Suhareka). The overall objective of the project is to support the efforts for local and regional economic development in South Economic Region, structuring and enriching cultural tourist offer of the region through innovative and unique products and services .