The Regional Center for Cultural Heritage in Prizren and the NGO EC Ma Ndryshe sign the memorandum of understanding for the design of the digital platform of the Historical Center of Prizren.

The director of the Regional Center for Cultural Heritage in Prizren, Samir Hoxha, and the executive director of the NGO EC Ma Ndryshe, Valon Xhabali, on Tuesday, signed a cooperation agreement for the realization of activities in the field of cultural heritage.
This cooperation agreement comes as a result of previous cooperation between the two parties to ensure the qualitative and comprehensive treatment of the protection and promotion of cultural heritage in the territory of the Municipality of Prizren. With this agreement, the parties have decided to expand their activities to address and fulfill common and mutual objectives, specifically with the design of the digital platform of the Historical Center of Prizren, as well as the coordination of activities for marking European Cultural Heritage Days for this year.
The design of the Digital Platform of the Historical Center of Prizren will reflect the state of cultural heritage assets in this protected area, which will also include official information about the various assets and values that this historical center possesses. The data of this platform will be built on the data collected from 2017 and presented in the Management Plan for the Historic Center of Prizren, which was approved in 2020.
Moreover, this cooperation will also include the coordination of activities for marking the European Cultural Heritage Days for 2021, which will take place during the month of September this year.