The works on "Berati" street ignore the consent issued by QRTK-Prizren

The last works on "Berati" street in the Historical Center of Prizren within the project implemented by the Directorate for Public Services of the Municipality of Prizren were carried out without respecting the recommendations of the conditions described in the consent issued by the Regional Center for Cultural Heritage in Prizren .
The consent for the works on the rehabilitation of the water supply network in the area of Nënkala, according to the QRTK, was issued in 2021. But during the last months in the field, it was observed that during the implementation of the works both on the "Berati" road and on other roads, none of the conditions described in said consent have been complied with.
QRTK has announced that it has repeatedly notified the competent institutions, namely the Directorate of the Inspectorate of the Municipality of Prizren and the Inspectorate of Cultural Heritage of MKRS, for non-respect of the consent of QRTK-Prizren.
Based on the documents of the QRTK, it appears that on December 26, 2023, the above-mentioned inspectorates were notified regarding non-compliance with the consent of the QRTK, where the officials of this center during the field visit on "Berati" street in Nënkala noticed that "after the completion of the works, the initial, previous state of the road has not been restored, which was paved with river stones in the upper layer, and after the works were completed, the upper layer was filled or covered with concrete".
In this case, the QRTK has requested the undertaking of legal measures for non-compliance with the decision issued by the Prizren QRTK.
EC reminds that the Historical Center of Prizren is an area protected by law, and asks the municipal authorities to take immediate actions to restore the initial condition on "Berati" street and other streets of this area, respecting the legislation in force, Management Plan and decisions of cultural heritage authorities. EC calls on the Municipality of Prizren to take into account the importance of this area in all activities and projects and to take maximum care of guaranteeing the integrity of this important historical and cultural area.