Municipality of Prizren gives permission for destroying the heritage building

The building that belonged to the beginnings of the XX century and built with a traditional technique in “Adem Jashari” street (parcel number: 804-0) in Prizren, is totally demolished now. This building was ruined with the permission of Prizren Municipality, respectively Directory of Urbanism and Spatial Planning (DUSP), even that for this case the Regional Center for Cultural Heritage (RCCH) Prizren, as the competent institution for heritage, has not given the consent for such an action.
On 22 February 2018, DUSP (Municipality of Prizren), upon the application of the investor of the building in "Adem Jashari" street (No. of parcel 804-0), addressed RCCH Prizren with the requirement for a building permission about a residential facility with business premises. Based on the official information obtained from RCCH Prizren, this authority earlier this year rejected the investor's request for the construction of the new facility in this parcel. Find the press release.