Minimum standards on the process of public consultations at local level

EC Ma Ndryshe has organized the roundtable discussion "Minimum standards for the public consultation process at the local level" between the representatives of the Ministry of Local Government Administration, the Municipality of Prizren, civil society and the media.
In this round table present were Rozafa Ukimeraj from MLGA, Artan Abrashi from Prizren Municipality and Edon Mullafetahu from EC Ma Ndryshe. MLGA representative informed the participants about the initiative that this ministry has taken to draft the regulation and the role of municipal involvement in the process of drafting it.
As an important and problematic issue that emerged from the Municipality of Prizren was the low interest of civic participation in public hearings and it was requested that this regulation set a more appropriate time period when such gatherings are organized. At the same time, the municipality welcomed the civil society's co-operation in mobilizing the community and facilitating the process of identifying their needs. At the same time the Directorate of Urbanism in Prizren expressed its readiness to be part of this process and to share the contribution of this institution.
EC in this informative meeting shared its experience with the mobilization of the community and the trust already created in this regard by the citizens, but emphasized that this level of trust should be the next goal of the municipality-citizen relationship.
This table concluded that a greater attention should be paid to the establishment of such mechanisms that would ensure the implementation of the regulation in order for this document to be put into operation and to achieve an advance of public consultation.
This grant is funded by the Democratic Society Promotion (DSP) project - funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and managed by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF).