Management of public money core element of responsible governance

Today, in Prizren, EC Ma Ndryshe held roundtable Public money as dads money. Panellists at this roundtable were Lulzim Kabashi, deputy mayor of Prizren municipality, Zenel Ahmetaj, coordinator at the Directorate of Economy and Finances, Qerkin Morina, representative from the Office of the Auditor General and Naim Cahani from Kosova Democratic Institute.
In the first part of the roundtable, Elmedina Baxhaku from EC Ma Ndryshe presented the periodic monitoring report of Prizren Municipality, in which, given also the Auditor Generals report for the year 2013, it was ascertained that municipal officials have not shown proper consideration in the management of public money and that in certain cases the money of the municipality has been treated just as dads money. Baxhaku further underlined that categories such as procurement, budget execution, revenue collection, subsidies and transfers, as well as an inventory of nonfinancial assets remain unaddressed challenges by the municipality and that the lack of transparency in the management of municipal budget have caused for these problems be transmitted from year to year. She has also presented additional findings from monitoring the work of the local government, during which were found legal violations or various procedural omissions that should be circumvented in order for governance to be accomplished pursuant to legal provisions and democratic standards. Read press release.