Lumbardhi Cinema to be included in the Cultural Heritage List

Initiative for Protection of Lumbadhi Cinema handed in the request to Ministry of Culture to declare Cinema Lumbardhi in Prizren a protected cultural heritage property. In the official request signed by Eroll Bilibani (director of Dokufest) one behalf of 58 organizations of the Initiative, the arguments for designation of Lumbardhi Cinema were elaborated.
Law on Cultural Heritage and Regulation for declaring an object to be under legal protection foresees criteria (values) for including a property into the List of the Cultural Heritage: historic, archaeological, artistic, scientific, social, spiritual, technological and rarity. The cinema is one of the oldest public buildings that survived in Prizren (historic). It is proof of the film tradition of the city and it has had an impact in the creation of cultural and social identity of the community (social). The cinema brought advanced technology of projection of the time through a 35mm film tape into the big screen (technological). The style of the building (dimensions and having an open area alongside its closed one) represents a rare example both in Kosovo as well as in the region, not only at the time of its construction, but even today (rarity). Read press release.